In today’s oncology, there are no drugs without harmful side effects possible because by drugs we understand medication registered in drugs agencies, created according to unified pharmaceutical standards – creating toxic substances with the hope that they will kill cancer faster than human beings, or creating so-called immunotherapy drugs in hopes that the body won’t collapse from excessive immune load and autoimmune disorders faster than cancer cells.

Unfortunately, medical practice shows the opposite – there is a huge number of people suffering from the side effects caused by modern anticancer drugs, and as a result, the therapeutic effect is not achieved at all. The balance between risk and benefit is inadequate. International cancer treatment guidelines already include a code stating that drugs have side effects because guidelines are mostly intended for late-stage patients who are ready to endure severe side effects in hopes of recovery; early-stage guidelines do not even appear because patients in the early stages would not be willing to accept the introduction of toxic substances. In many countries’ legislation on advertising drugs, there is already a provision that drugs can only be with side effects, because medicine advertising must not indicate that drugs are without side effects or non-toxic. So, basically, oncology patients and their relatives are already encouraged to accept the fact that drugs come with side effects, and that it is normal. But is it normal? Most likely not, even considering the times of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and the thesis included in the Hippocratic Oath “…do not harm the patient…” This indicates that in times when there were no specific regulations and pharmaceutical industries, the approach to formulation of medicine was different, focused on gentle treatment of the human. However, the situation is not hopeless; in oncology, there are effective and harmless means available for cancer treatment, but they need to be sought outside regulatory systems and not under medicine labeling. A good example is the ECHO-7 virus; in the 1960s, enteroviruses were isolated from healthy individuals and adapted to cancer cell cultures, creating the non-pathogenic and non-toxic ECHO-7 virus Rigvir, which is effectively used in the treatment of various cancer forms.

The Rigvir virus practically has no side effects, and this is normal because it has a natural origin and already exhibited God-given oncolytic properties before adaptation. It’s known that the Rigvir virus underwent a complex path to medicine registration and was only registered in several countries. However, for known reasons, because it lacks side effects and the risk-benefit balance is highly positive, various regulatory sanctions were directed against it because such an effective solution in cancer treatment undermines the entire medicine regulatory system and consequently the interests of pharmaceutical companies.

It is concluded that it is necessary to establish parallel systems worldwide that register medicinal remedies only if they have no side effects or if these are insignificant. This would be the right and logical path initiated by Hippocrates and many of his followers, so that people could be truly treated and, in the most severe cases, not be tormented.

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