What is Amelanotic Melanoma and How to Recognize It
Amelanotic Cancer is a form of melanoma that lacks color or pigment. Often described as flesh-toned or pinkish in color, amelanotic cancer is very hard to detect because it tends…
Story of Jane Bailey and Her Fight Against Melanoma
I am Jane Bailey and I live in the colorful state of Colorado in the USA where I have enjoyed a very active life. Riding my bike everywhere, hiking…
The Top Three Most Important Things You Should Avoid Saying to a Person with Cancer
Cancer is news that doesn’t deliver well. It is one of those types of diagnosis that invites a barrage of questions and provides little answers. Unfortunately, it leaves the recipient…
QUIZ: How much do you know about melanoma?
Find out your level of knowledge about melanoma and skin cancer by completing this quiz.
Why You Need to Cover These Five Spots with Sunscreen
Why You Need to Cover These Five Spots with Sunscreen Melanoma and sunbathing, the two just don’t sound good in a sentence. How can something that feels so wonderful, yet…
Nail Discoloration and Other Signs of Subungual Melanoma
Subungual Melanoma is most easily defined as a cancer of the nail unit. Identified as one of the three main types of nail cutaneous cancer, subungal melanomas is the only…
The Most Common Types of Skin Cancer
Cancer can affect any part of the body with skin cancer diagnosis’ leading the way. It is one of the most common of all cancer types. Cancer occurs when abnormal…
The Four Types of Melanoma
Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma, is often referenced by medical professionals as one of most dangerous forms of skin cancer. Melanoma is a form of cancer originating from the…
Oncolytic Virotherapy as Cancer Treatment
Oncolytic virus therapy is a revolutionary approach for cancer treatment. Describing an oncolytic virus is a little complicated to those not well-versed in the medical field. For many people, the…