100 years since the birth of Aina Muceniece

Today, on March 23, marks 100 years since the birth of Aina Muceniece, the inventor of Rigvir and the founder of cancer virotherapy. A person without whom an effective and non-toxic therapy for cancer treatment would not be available in the world. With deep respect, we bow our heads before Aina Muceniece and those who continue her work. IVC will do everything possible to ensure that Aina Muceniece's achievements live on eternally, providing assistance to cancer patients and training healthcare professionals worldwide. Thank you, Aina Muceniece, may eternal love accompany you.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Aina Muceniece's courageous and miraculous life story:
The Wisdom of Life - www.virotherapyfoundation.org/en/the-wisdom-of-life/

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